1. Harassment, Hate Speech, and Discrimination. ANY and ALL forms of harassment or hate speech are strictly prohibited. Any acts of harassment, hate speech, or discrimination will NOT BE TOLERATED. It will result in an immediate ban and a report. Everyone is welcome on this server. Hateful, illegal, derogatory, and other related content is not allowed. This includes text, images, and videos. Your race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or other does not provide you the ability to use such words or content.

2. NSFW Content Please help us keep this league a SFW environment. Any content deemed NSFW, shocking imagery, pornography, or extreme use of inappropriate language will be removed, and a mute to said user will follow. The user is given a warning before any ban measures will be taken.

3. Spamming Please do not spam any of the channels. Spamming will result in an immediate mute, and multiple offenses will result in a potential ban.

4. Positive Environment Keep the league a safe place for everybody! Treat everybody as you would like to be treated! Toxicity will not be tolerated and may result in an immediate ban.

5. Toxicity Any and ALL acts of toxicity are prohibited. Leaking people's information, constantly starting arguments, anything that would deem you an “asshole”, will be prohibited and will result in an immediate ban.

6. Language English is the only language that is allowed. This is so our staff can effectively enforce the rules.

7. Pinging Please do not ghost ping, or mass ping any roles or users. Only when it is absolutely necessary. Multiple pings will result in an immediate mute, and multiple offenses will result in a potential ban.

8. Impersonation Do NOT impersonate staff members. Pretending to be somebody you aren’t, and attempting to perform the duties of somebody you aren’t will result in an immediate mute and a potential ban for multiple offenses.

9. Controversial Topics Please keep discussions about controversial topics such as politics, religion, real-life events, etc. to a minimum. These discussions are allowed but will be moderated by staff. If a discussion is deemed too controversial, the users will be asked to no longer continue the discussion. Continuation of the discussion will result in an immediate mute to the users involved, and a potential ban for multiple offenses.

10. Moderation Reminder, that Staff has the final say on what they deem as inappropriate, or what fails to follow the server rules & guidelines. If you feel you have been wrongly penalized or banned, please speak to somebody with higher authority.